Some majors have their own required statistics and data science sequences. If you know your intended major and have the necessary background, you will want to take these courses.
Some majors allow substitutions of higher level courses for the sequence required by the major. Contact the major’s Director of Undergraduate Studies for advice and pre-approval if you think this is of interest to you.
Some majors have a statistics and data science requirement that is typically fulfilled by a number of courses offered outside the major. This page provides information about those courses.
Many majors do not have statistics and data science requirements and are not discussed on this page. Students interested in statistics and data science and intending to major in a major without a requirement should consult the Advice by Goals and Advice by Number of DISS Courses pages on this website.
Advice by Intended Major

Majors with Requirements and Courses within the Major
All majors are required to take BENG 249, 352 and 355L/356L. BENG 249 covers the analysis of biomedical data and has applications to statistics and data analysis. BENG 352 covers the analysis of biomedical signals. BENG 355L/356L includes the analysis of experimental data. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The B.S. and the B.A. degree programs have the same required five core courses: CPSC 201; CPSC 202 or MATH 244; CPSC 223; CPSC 323; and CPSC 365 or 366 or 368. A total of 10 (B.A.) or 12 (B.S.) courses are required. The first is CPSC 201, a survey that demonstrates the breadth and depth of the field to students who have taken the equivalent of an introductory programming course. Students with minimal programming experience are advised to take CPSC 100 or 112 before enrolling in CPSC 201. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The major has a two course sequence requirement. Either ECON 117 and ECON 123 or ECON 135 and ECON 136 . You can take both S&DS 241 and 242 to substitute for ECON 135 .For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
8 of the 14 required courses must be in CS. The remaining 6 courses must be in Psychology, including PSYC 200 Statistics in Psychological Science. An additional course in psychology and an examination arranged with the instructor of PSYC 200 may substitute for PSYC 200. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
One course requirement for major but students are strongly advised to take a two-term sequence. ECON 117 or ECON 123 or ECON 136 satisfy requirement. Recommended sequences are ECON 117 and ECON 123 or ECON 135 (S&DS 241 and 242 may substitute for ECON 135) and ECON 136 . For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Prospective majors should complete the calculus pre-requisite (MATH 120), followed by the required courses of linear algebra (MATH 225 or 226), and real analysis (MATH 255 or 256). For further information about calculus placement and choosing initial math courses at Yale, please visit the Math introductory courses guide. On the Economics side, the major has a two-course sequence econometrics requirement: ECON 135 and ECON 136. Students can take both S&DS 241 and 242 to substitute for ECON 135. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Math director of undergraduate studies (math.dus@yale.edu) or the Economics director of undergraduate studies (giovanni.maggi@yale.edu).
The major has a two course requirement. The sequence GLBL 121 and GLBL122 are recommended. Substitution of GLBL 121 is allowed, via ECON 117 or S&DS 100–106 or some other accepted courses listed on the Jackson School undergraduate major website with approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies (typically accepted substitutes are: Methods in Quantitative Sociology (SOCY 162), Introduction to Data Analysis and Econometrics (ECON 117), Applied Data Analysis and Econometrics (ECON 132), Introduction to Probability and Statistics (ECON 135), and any course from the Introduction to Statistics Series (S&DS 100-106) . For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The B.A. degree program consists of ten term courses in Mathematics numbered 222 or higher, including the senior requirement (MATH 475 or 480 or 481); excluding, however, MATH 470. To acquire both depth and breadth in the field, students are required to take at least two term courses in each of three of the following categories: analysis; algebra and number theory; statistics and applied mathematics; geometry and topology; and logic and foundations. The B.S. degree program consists of twelve term courses and follows the same requirements as for the B.A. degree, with the addition at least two advanced term courses in the physical sciences. Students interested in applications of mathematics should include MATH 302, 310, 350, and a selection of courses from MATH 241, 242, 244, 246, 251, 260, and CPSC 440. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
PSYC 110 is a prerequisite to all 200-level and above courses. The major requires 12 credits beyond PSYC 110. Courses numbered from 200–209 focus on statistics. A course in statistics (PSYC 200) is required, preferably prior to the senior year. A student may substitute S&DS 103 for PSYC 200 or may substitute an examination arranged with the instructor of PSYC 200 for the course requirement. A student who has taken S&DS 103 may not take PSYC 200 for credit. If approved in advance by the DUS a second course in statistics that focuses on advanced statistical techniques relevant for research in psychology can be counted towards the major as a PSYC elective. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Prospective majors in S&DS should complete the calculus prerequisite (MATH 120) and the linear algebra requirement (MATH 222, 225, or 226), take two Core Probability and Statistics courses (typically S&DS 238 and 242 or S&DS 241 and 242 but other accepted courses are listed on the S&DS departmental webpage) and two Computational Skills courses (typically S&DS 230 and a CPSC programming course but other accepted courses are listed on the S&DS departmental webpage). For more information, see the S&DS departmental webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Majors with Requirements
The B.A. degree program requires 11 courses, including a course in probability (S&DS 241 or S&DS 238) and a course in data analysis (S&DS 361 or S&DS 230). Additionally, it requires courses in at least three of the following areas including, but not limited to: probability and statistics: S&DS 242, 312, 351, 364, 400, 410, 411, 425, ECON 136, APHY 470. The B.S. program requires 14 courses, which consists of the requirements for the B.A. plus another course numbered 300 or higher selected from item 5 above, or a course numbered 300 or higher in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, or quantitative computer science or engineering, subject to the approval of the DUS. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage and the Applied Mathematics program webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The ABET-accredited B.S. degree requires 19 courses (18.5 credits) beyond prerequisites, including one course in Computing: ENAS 130 or CPSC 100 or CPSC 112 or CPSC 200. (Note that ENAS 130 includes data analysis.) For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The requirements of the major for the B.S. and B.A. degrees are the same, except for the skills requirement and the senior requirement. Courses that fulfill the skills requirement for the B.A. include CPSC 112, 202, LING 224, PSYC 200, and 270, and S&DS 100, 220 and 230. Other courses may fulfill this requirement with permission of the DUS. The skills requirement for the B.S. is fulfilled by PSYC 200 or another course with permission of the DUS. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
There are three prerequisites for this major and they fall in three areas of study, one of which is statistics. The prerequisite in statistics is satisfied through S&DS 100, 101–106, 123, or 220, or comparable background in statistics (e.g., through a score of 5 on the AP Statistics exam) as approved by the director of undergraduate studies (DUS). For the B.A. degree program there are 11 required credits, including 1 statistics core course (S&DS 238). B.S. degree students choose between two options: (1) one of S&DS 240 or S&DS 241, together with S&DS 242; (2) S&DS 238 and either S&DS 230 or any S&DS course numbered 242 or above. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Depending on subdiscipline track, either S&DS 101, ENAS 130 or an equivalent course is a prerequisite for the major. Additionally, core courses, totaling five course credits, may include data analysis, probability or linear-algebra courses S&DS 230, S&DS 238 or MATH 222. Other higher-level EPS courses in data analysis can be substituted with the permission of the DUS. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Prerequisite for the major includes one term of mathematics (MATH 115 or 116 or 120) or one term of statistics & data science (S&DS 100 or 230). Students should take four additional courses, for a total of four credits, from among the following options: MATH 115 or 116, MATH 118 or 120, MATH 222 or 225, MATH 230 or 231, MATH 235, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 250, 255, S&DS 100-106, 220, 230, 238, 240, CPSC 100, 112, 123, 201, CHEM 174 or 220, CHEM 175 or 221, CHEM 222L, 223L, PHYS 170 or 180, PHYS 171 or 181, EPS 110, 212, 220, 222, 232, 240, and 255. No more than two of these four additional courses may originate in the same department. Students who have mathematics preparation equivalent to MATH 115 or higher are encouraged to take a statistics course (usually S&DS 101–106) and/or additional mathematics or statistics courses such as MATH 120, 121, MATH 222 or 225 or 226, and S&DS 220 or 230. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The ABET-accredited B.S. in Electrical Engineering requires, beyond the prerequisites, four term courses in mathematics and science and thirteen term courses covering topics in engineering. These courses include, in part, Mathematics and basic science (four term courses): ENAS 194; MATH 222 or MATH 225 or MATH 226; APHY 322 or equivalent; S&DS 238, or S&DS 241, or equivalent. The B.S. in Engineering Sciences (Electrical) major requires two term courses in mathematics and science and eleven term courses covering topics in engineering. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The B.S. Degree requires fifteen term courses beyond the prerequisites: CPSC 201, 202, 223, 323, and one of 365 or 366 or 368; EENG 200, 201, 202, and 203; one from MATH 222, 225, 226, S&DS 238, or S&DS 241; four advanced electives, two in electrical engineering, two in computer science; and a senior project. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The B.S. degree program has the following prerequisites in mathematics and basic sciences: MATH 112, 115; MATH 120 or ENAS 151; ENAS 194; ENAS 130 or S&DS 230; a two-term lecture sequence in chemistry, with corresponding labs; PHYS 180, 181; BIOL 101 and 102 or BIOL 103 and 104. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The B.S. degree program has a series of prerequisites in mathematics and basic sciences, including ENAS 130 or S&DS 230 among other courses. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The prerequisites for the B.S. degree program, among other courses, includes a term course in mathematics, physics, or statistics selected from MATH 112 or higher (excluding MATH 190), or PHYS 170 or higher, or S&DS 101 or higher. The B.A. degree requires six core courses, one of which is in statistics or mathematics selected from S&DS 101 or higher, MATH 110 and 111 or MATH 112 or higher. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Introductory courses required to declare the Ethics, Politics, and Economics major include, among other things, a course in Econometrics, choosing from ECON 117, 123, 135, GLBL 121, S&DS 230, or S&DS 238. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
For the major, four courses relating to linguistics are required, at least one of which must be at the 200 level or above. Electives may be chosen from courses offered by the Linguistics department or, with approval of the DUS, from related courses in programs such as Anthropology, Classics, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, English, Philosophy, Psychology, or foreign languages. A student may take a statistics course as an elective with DUS approval. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The Critical Tools options for the major include MB&B 435, MB&B 470 and MB&B 471, S&DS 105, 238, CPSC 112 and others with DUS approval. The B.S. degree program follows the requirements and policies of the B.A. degree program with several additions, including for the core Biophysics requirement: one additional 300+ course in physical sciences, mathematics, statistics or computer science be taken. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
As part of the prerequisite, All majors must complete a course in mathematics numbered MATH 115 or higher or a statistics course taken at Yale and approved by the DUS. The B.S. degree requires a minimum of nine course credits beyond the prerequisites. Two general electives selected from MCDB courses numbered 250 or above are required. Additional core courses from the list above, a second term of organic chemistry, and a course in statistics may be used as general electives. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
As part of the prerequisite, all majors must complete one of the following: PSYC 200, S&DS 103, 105, 230, 238. Furthermore, one elective from the Computational Core and one from the Quantitative Core is required for the major. Computational Core (YC NSCI: Computational): CPSC 100, 112, 201, 223, 323, 365, 452, 470, 475, 476; ENAS 130, S&DS 123, 262, 265, 355, 361, 365, NSCI 453, PHYS 378. Quantitative Core (YC NSCI: Quantitative): MATH 112, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121, 222, 225, 230, 231, 244, 246, 247; ENAS 151; NSCI 324, 325; CPSC 202. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage, the Neuroscience undergraduate major webpage, or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The major requires one course in methodology or formal theory. Majors are encouraged to take one course in statistics and one course in data analysis. S&DS 100, S&DS 123, or S&DS 220 followed by S&DS 230 are recommended. PLSC 438 is also recommended for students who intend to write quantitative senior theses using observational data while PLSC 340 or PLSC 341 is recommended for experimental projects. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
In addition to the required course in research methods (SOCY 160), all majors are required to take at least 1 additional methods course. For the standard major and the ‘economy and society’ concentration, that methods course may be satisfied with any social scientific method (e.g., ethnographic or qualitative methods) but is most commonly satisfied with a statistics course (e.g. SOCY 162). For the concentrations in “Health and Society”, “Data and Society” and “Inequality, Race and Society” that methods course must be a course in statistics (e.g. SOCY 162, S&DS 103, or S&DS 105 are frequently taken but several other courses also satisfy the requirement); students in the “Data and Society” concentration must also complete one immediate or advanced course in statistics (e.g. SOCY 580, 581) and two additional quantitative courses. For more information, see the Yale College Programs of Study webpage or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.